
Here you can find information about projects by members of the network at various institutions and universities in Europe that deal with different aspects of our research field.

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Medienangebot und Medienkonsum der ungarischen Volksgruppe in Österreich 2022

The study "Media supply and media consumption in the Hungarian ethnic group 2022" conducted by Erika Erlinghagen (University of Vienna) and Ágota Kertész follows on from the ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All) research project carried out between 2010 and 2013 at the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies at the University of Vienna, which represented a multidisciplinary approach to revitalizing research on minority languages, lingua franca and language preservation.
The aim of the study conducted in spring 2022 was to examine the media consumption and media offerings of the Hungarian ethnic group in Austria, with a focus on internet-based media, as not only has there been rapid digitalization in recent years and thus an increase in the use of internet-based media, but these media had also been given little consideration in the ELDIA study ten years ago.
(The study was funded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery - Volksgruppenförderung.)

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